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12th annual MOISA Meeting in Thessaloniki “Tarquinia Paesaggi dell’Arte”: Αθηνά Κατσανεβάκη, Seikilos Ajax Orestes

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10/07/2019 | 08:00 - 17:00

12th Annual MOISA Μeeting με θέμα “From Past to Present: Transforming historical musical data into possible realities / Από το Παρελθόν στο Παρόν: Μετατρέποντας ιστορικά μουσικά δεδομένα σε πιθανές πραγματικότητες”

Concert by Athena Katsanevaki – voice 12th Annual MOISA Meeting “From Past to Present : Transforming historical musical data into possible realities” Thessaloniki, Teloglion Foundation of Arts A.U.Th. Wednesday, 10th July 2019 Concert: “From Present to Past and back to Present”.

Συναυλία από την Αθηνά Κατσανεβάκη-φωνητικά 12th Annual MOISA Meeting (12η ετήσια συνάντηση της MOISA -Αρχαία Ελληνική και Ρωμαϊκή Μουσική) “From Past to Present: Transforming historical musical data into possible realities” “Από το Παρελθόν στο Παρόν: Μετατρέποντας Ιστορικά μουσικά δεδομένα σε πιθανές πραγματικότητες” Θεσσαλονίκη Τελλόγλειο Ίδρυμα Τεχνών ΑΠΘ Τετάρτη 10 Ιουλίου 2019 Συναυλία: “Από το Παρόν στο Παρελθόν και πίσω στο Παρόν” Θεσσαλονίκη, Τελλόγλειο Ίδρυμα Τεχνών Τετάρτη 10 Ιουλίου 2019. Πολλές ευχαριστίες στον Αστέρη τον Τράκα για την επεξεργασία και την σύνδεση του πρώτου μέρους που δεν είχε καταγραφεί επιτόπου. Στον Placido Scardina για την παραχώρηση του βίντεο του από το Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο της Tarquinia και στον Emiliano Li Castro για την πρόσκλησή του. Και ιδιαιτέρως στον Καθηγητή Στέλιο Ψαρουδάκη για την παραχώρηση του βίντεο που τράβηξε κατά την διάρκεια της συναυλίας. Χωρίς την ευγενική του παραχώρηση δεν θα μπορούσε να παρουσιαστεί εδώ. Τον Stefan Hagel για την επικοινωνία που είχαμε κατα την προετοιμασία του πειραματικού αυτού προγράμματος-performance. Τον Νίκο Ξανθούλη για την συνεργασία μας κατα την διάρκεια της αντίστοιχης παρουσίασης στην Tarquinia.

Many thanks to Asteris Trakas for connecting the initial audio extract of the performance which is missing in the live recording. To Placido Scardina for offering to me his video documentation in Tarquinia and to Emiliano Li Castro for his kind invitation. Especially to Prof.Stelios Psaroudakis for entrusting me with his video recording during my concert at the MOISA meeting and for his kind and generous permission to upload it online. Without his contribution this concert would be impossible to be presented. To Stefan Hagel for our communication during the preliminary stages of this experimental research and performance. Also to Nikos Xanthoulis for our collaboration during the relevant concert in Tarquinia.

Information about the videos and audios of the performance:


Audio examples in the video:

1.field-recording by Athena Katsanevaki (In Fourka Konitsa region, female group),

2. the same song in a contemporary performance- voice Athena Katsanevaki.

3. The rest is a performance of the Seikilos song transformed in a traditional relevant way that indicates the common characteristics of the forms of the traditional contemporary song of Fourka and of the forms and melodic peaks and endings of the Ancient song of Seikilos.

4. The ancient melody of the Seikilos inscription.

Traditional voices:

Fourka, July 26, 1995 A “Klidonas” ritual song sung in groups:

  • Aspasia Ghouveli
  • Georgia Grimatsi
  • Zoitsa Moka
  • Malamati Ilia
  • Evdoxia Kanistra
  • Olga Stylou


Audio examples in the video:

Field recordnings by Athena Katsanevaki:

songs from the village of Samarina recorded in Samarina (Grevena region) and in Falani (Larisa region). See also scientific paper Athena Katsanevaki “Modern Laments in Northwestern Greece…” Musicologist Journal Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2017, 95-140.

The extracts of Ajax performed in small sequences with extracts of traditional modern songs and laments from Western Greece (Pindus Mountains -Epirus -Western Macedonia) compiled in the field which reveal the common forms and endings of the ancient and contemporary musical tradition. The steps of the dance are reconstructed upon the durations of the syllables of the ancient melodies and/or are based on the traditional dances of the area in the cases of the contemporary dance melodies.

Traditional voices:

Samarina, July 21, 1995

Mihalis Boufikos (Lead singer)

  • Agoritsa Boufikou
  • Mihalis Lioupas
  • Steriani Tsitsioumi

Falani, May 29, 1995

  • Sofia Parafesta
  • Agoritsa Boufikou
  • Agoritsa Drikogia
  • Tasia Drikogia
  • Angeliki Tsopa
  • Evangelia Karkavitsi

Orestes: Audio and Video examples:

1.Field recording by Athena Katsanevaki and Eckehard Pistrick in Parakalamos in the region of Kalamas-Epirus Greece. (Greek-speaking)

2. Field recordings by Athena Katsanevaki in the village of Ieropigi and in the village of Toixio in Kastoria region. (Vlach-speaking-Slav speaking)

3. Video recording by Athena Katsanevaki in the cemetery of Ieropigi in Kastoria region All accompanying the scientific paper: Athena Katsanevaki “Modern Laments in Northwestern Greece…” Musicologist Journal Volume 1, Issue 1, December 2017, 95-140. Due to the functionality of the lamentations and for ethical reasons the names of the lamenters are not mentioned here. I reconstructed the part of the melody which is missing in the way the women of the Pindus mountains of Greece compose their lamentations keeping the local contemporary “logodes melos” (See also in Katsanevaki 1998-2014 Phd edition), incorporating the scattered tones.



08:00 - 17:00
Event Categories:


Τελλόγλειο Ίδρυμα Τεχνών ΑΠΘ
Αγίου Δημητρίου 159Α
Θεσσαλονίκη, 546 36 Greece
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