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Lectures in the frame of the Agreement Erasmus+

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31/05/2022 | 13:00 - 01/06/2022 | 18:00

Lectures in the frame of the Agreement Erasmus+ by professors from the National University of Arts “George Enescu” in Iassy, “Aspects of Music in Romania”.

Adrian Sîrbu, The tradition of Psaltic Art in Moldavia Ι & ΙΙ
Tuesday, 31.05.2022, 13:00
Room 5 and https://authgr.zoom.us/j/99188777486?pwd=cUd4NFJuRmd0MUlyd21VL0tmSWJzQT09
Meeting ID: 991 8877 7486 Passcode: 441423
Wednesday, 01.06.2022, 17:00
Room 5 and https://authgr.zoom.us/j/94358798027?pwd=Tkc5V01adzlJRlZsZ3Fvb3d1aXpsUT09
Meeting ID: 943 5879 8027 Passcode: 966612

Anca Sîrbu, Portraits of five composers from Iassy I & II
Tuesday, 31.05.2022, 20:00
Room 8 and https://authgr.zoom.us/j/94358798027?pwd=Tkc5V01adzlJRlZsZ3Fvb3d1aXpsUT09
Meeting ID: 943 5879 8027 Passcode: 966612
Wednesday, 01.06.2022, 17:30
Room 5 and https://authgr.zoom.us/j/94358798027?pwd=Tkc5V01adzlJRlZsZ3Fvb3d1aXpsUT09
Meeting ID: 943 5879 8027 Passcode: 966612.


31/05/2022 | 13:00
01/06/2022 | 18:00
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