
Cyclorhythmic festival 2023

"Xanthippi Hoipel" amphitheater, MOMus-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki Thessaloniki

The Cyclorhythmic festival 2023 is a meeting of percussionists, musicians and composers that will take place on March 17 and 19 at the "Xanthippi Hoipel" amphitheater at the MOMus-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki. The Cyclorhythmic Festival 2023 is … Continue reading "Cyclorhythmic festival 2023"

Early Music from East and West in Dialogue

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki

Workshop and Concert of Early Music. A Tribute to the Youths from Tempi. Participants: Εnsembles Psaltira, Motetii, St Anysia, and Chrysorrhemon