Latest Past Events;

Ground floor, School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki

Α happening by LOrk•A (Laptop Orchestra) based on a graphic score from SoundSketcher

Christmas happening

Ground floor, School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki

Fifteen-minute performance by the music ensemble Omakoeion with Christmas songs (for more details, please see the programme)

Dimitris Kountouras’s Lecture and Flute Recital

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki

The soloist of historical flutes specializing in early music performance practice, Dimitris Kountouras, is invited on Monday, November 4th to the Department of Music Studies of Aristotle University Thessaloniki. Mr Kountouras, PhD on historical musicology from the Athens University and … Continue reading "Dimitris Kountouras’s Lecture and Flute Recital"