The aesthetic revolution of music theatre: new compositional and performative practices

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Five artists-researchers approach music theatre within a broader context. They shall speak about contemporary trends in music theatre from a compositional perspective, as well as through the lens of an aesthetic, historical and social framework, the central issues being authorship, … Continue reading "The aesthetic revolution of music theatre: new compositional and performative practices"

Early Music Festival “Dusting musical instruments off”

Museum of Byzantine Culture Thessaloniki Thessaloniki

On Saturday, April 6 and Sunday, April 7, 2024, the Museum of Byzantine Culture will host the Early Music Festival entitled “Dusting Musical Instruments off”, at its Reception Area. We will travel to the Renaissance and Baroque eras, through music … Continue reading "Early Music Festival “Dusting musical instruments off”"

Early Music Festival “Dusting musical instruments off”

Museum of Byzantine Culture Thessaloniki Thessaloniki

On Saturday, April 6 and Sunday, April 7, 2024, the Museum of Byzantine Culture will host the Early Music Festival entitled "Dusting Musical Instruments off", at its Reception Area. We will travel to the Renaissance and Baroque eras, through music … Continue reading "Early Music Festival “Dusting musical instruments off”"

Musicological meeting “Perspectives of Greek Music Creation: Bridging Tradiitons”

Patriarchical Foundation for Patristic Studies (Amphitheatre) - Vlatadon Monastery Thessaloniki, Greece

Within the framework of the 2nd Festival "Days of Greek Music Creation" organized by the School of Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, from May 20th to June 5th, 2024, in venues and historical landmarks of Thessaloniki, the … Continue reading "Musicological meeting “Perspectives of Greek Music Creation: Bridging Tradiitons”"

Young Researchers’ Symposium “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

Room 8, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

This symposium presents original music studies by young researchers that explore the dynamic relationship between music experiences and grief. The studies were conducted in the framework of the course "Time in Music. Music in Time" taught by Prof. Eleni Lapidaki … Continue reading "Young Researchers’ Symposium “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”"