Stage fright and how to overcome it

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Experiential workshop for musicians, which addresses the understanding and analysis of the phenomenon of stage fright in concerts and other official musical events, as well as methods to overcome it through an appropriate way of practicing and multilayered preparation, with … Continue reading "Stage fright and how to overcome it"

Nothing works without integrity

Room 8, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Lecture given by Nathaniel Evans, based on the work of the philosopher Werner H. Erhard and the economist Michael C. Jensen.

Early Music from East and West in Dialogue

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Workshop and Concert of Early Music. A Tribute to the Youths from Tempi. Participants: Εnsembles Psaltira, Motetii, St Anysia, and Chrysorrhemon

Cyclorhythmic festival 2023

"Xanthippi Hoipel" amphitheater, MOMus-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

The Cyclorhythmic festival 2023 is a meeting of percussionists, musicians and composers that will take place on March 17 and 19 at the "Xanthippi Hoipel" amphitheater at the MOMus-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki. The Cyclorhythmic Festival 2023 is … Continue reading "Cyclorhythmic festival 2023"

Film Musical Class Concert

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Performance of Film Musical Repertoire taught in the respective course. Participants: Students who participated in the course under the guidance of Th. Bililis.

Η Συμφωνία της άνοιξης: Μία γιορτή του ρομαντικού πνεύματος

Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

Εκπαιδευτικό πρόγραμμα της Κρατικής Ορχήστρας Θεσσαλονίκης. Συμμετέχουν: Κρατική Ορχήστρα Θεσσαλονίκης, Διεύθυνση: Κορνήλιος Μιχαηλίδης, Έρευνα / παρουσίαση: Κώστας Χάρδας

Συναυλία συνόλων Μουσικής Δωματίου

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Συναυλία ολοκλήρωσης του χειμερινού εξαμήνου με τους φοιτητές και τις φοιτήτριες των μαθημάτων Μουσική Δωματίου Ι/ΙΙΙ.

Electronic Music Concert

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Concert of Electronic Music featuring works by students that have attended the course “Electronic Music: Creative Uses of Music Technology” at the School of Music Studies. Course instructors: Dimitris Maronidis

Laptop Orchestra • Jam Session 2

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Jam Session 2 5th February 2023, 7pm Music Department Foyer Thermi.AUTh

Young Researchers’ Symposium

Room 8, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Young researchers from the music and other departments who attended the course "Gender, Identities, and Music Education" will present interesting empirical studies on timely gender issues.

SONATA “APPASSIONATA”: A Performer’s Analysis

Room 9, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Διάλεξη για την Σονάτα Op. 57 του Beethoven από το πρίσμα του ερμηνευτή. Συμμετέχει ο Joan Grimalt, καθηγητής στην Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.

The Nightingales of the East and the Birds of the West

Cultural Center of the Holy Church Laodigitria Aischylou 21, Thessaloniki, Greece

Concert of Early Music, with a repertory which comprises pieces from the Western European music culture and from Byzantine Chant, Classical Eastern Music and Greek Folk Music, in solistic, a cappella and instrumental renditions, from manuscripts and printed editions, with … Continue reading "The Nightingales of the East and the Birds of the West"

New Year’s Day concert of Thessaloniki’s State Symphony Orchestra

Thessaloniki Concert Hall Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki Symphony Orchestra (T.S.O) welcomes 2023 with two masterpieces of the 20th century. Carl Orff's legendary work 'Carmina Burana' arose out of a discovery by the composer of various medieval poems by some heretical and excommunicated monks, who adored worldly … Continue reading "New Year’s Day concert of Thessaloniki’s State Symphony Orchestra"

New Year’s Day concert of Thessaloniki’s State Symphony Orchestra

Thessaloniki Concert Hall Thessaloniki, Greece

Thessaloniki Symphony Orchestra (T.S.O) welcomes 2023 with two masterpieces of the 20th century. Carl Orff's legendary work 'Carmina Burana' arose out of a discovery by the composer of various medieval poems by some heretical and excommunicated monks, who adored worldly … Continue reading "New Year’s Day concert of Thessaloniki’s State Symphony Orchestra"

Christmas concert with young talented soloists and the “Choral Workshop” of the music studies department AUTH

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki

The Choral Workshop of the Department of Music Studies, AUTH, will participate as an invited choir in the annual Christmas concert organized by the alumni association of conservatories of Thessaloniki in collaboration with the archaeological museum. Works by Bruckner, Simeonidis, … Continue reading "Christmas concert with young talented soloists and the “Choral Workshop” of the music studies department AUTH"

Carols and wishes

School of Music Studies, AUTh Thessaloniki, Greece

Concert with carols from Greece and abroad by Music Ensemble "Polyphono".

Sounds from East and West

Museum of Byzantine Culture Thessaloniki Thessaloniki

Thursday, 15.12.2022, 07:00 p.m., during the Inauguration of the Exhibition “From Crete to the Danube. Icons from the Sekulic Collection, Belgrade City Museum”. Participants: Μusic ensembles "Motetii" and "Psaltira"

12th Contemporary Music Workshop

Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Emilios Riadis Hall Thessaloniki, Greece

The Contemporary Music Workshop, within the framework of the Educational Programs Cycle of the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, offers for the 12th time the opportunity to 12 young composers to show their creativity, presenting new works for piano and strings in … Continue reading "12th Contemporary Music Workshop"