Official celebration of the National Αnniversary of the 25th March at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

Official celebration of the National Anniversary of March 25 at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The ceremonial speech of the day will be delivered by the Dean of the Theological School of AUTH, Prof. Chrysostomos Stamoulis. The event will close … Continue reading "Official celebration of the National Αnniversary of the 25th March at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki"

AUTH Symphony Orchestra Concert

Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

Symphonic concert into the frame of the event by R.A.EW.W. Participants: Soloists: Naja Myserli, Marios Sporidis, Konstantinos Katsoulis. Conductor: Vladimiros Symeonidis Free entrance.

Haydn’s Farewell Symphony: When the symphonic sound was born

Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

The programme presents Joseph Haydn through his famous Farewell Symphony. The Symphony is approached as an outcome of the ideas of Enlightenment and as one of the first ways in which art workers’ claimed their rights. Participants: Thessaloniki State Symphony … Continue reading "Haydn’s Farewell Symphony: When the symphonic sound was born"

CD/book presentation and concert with Christos Samaras’ “24 Preludes for piano”

Macedonian Center of Contemporary Art , Greece

The School of Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, invite you to the CD presentation and concert with works for piano by Christos Samaras, professor emeritus of the School of Music Studies. … Continue reading "CD/book presentation and concert with Christos Samaras’ “24 Preludes for piano”"

Συναυλία Ηλεκτρονικής Μουσικής

MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art 154 Egnatia Av (TIF-Helexpo premises), Thessaloniki

Συναυλία Ηλεκτρονικής Μουσικής με έργα των φοιτητών και φοιτητριών του Τμήματος Μουσικών Σπουδών που δημιουργήθηκαν στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος “Ηλεκτρονική Μουσική: Δημιουργική Χρήση της Μουσικής Τεχνολογίας” Διδασκαλία Επιμέλεια: Δημήτρης Μαρωνίδης

Improvisation between composition and impredictability

Room 10, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki, Greece

Composition and improvisation are often considered contradictory musical genres. In this lecture, I will show how the different processes of musical creation, such as composition, real-time composition and improvisation, not only have a differentiated temporal positioning in relation to the notation … Continue reading "Improvisation between composition and impredictability"

Concert of the Chamber Music Class

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

The end of semester concert if the Chamber Music ensembles will present well- and lesser-known works from classicism, romanticism and early modernism.

Christmas Concert AUTH

Main Ceremony Hall of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

ΑUTH Music Ensembles(AUTH SO and Chorus) present a Christmas Symphonic Concert.

The aesthetic revolution of music theatre: new compositional and performative practices

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Five artists-researchers approach music theatre within a broader context. They shall speak about contemporary trends in music theatre from a compositional perspective, as well as through the lens of an aesthetic, historical and social framework, the central issues being authorship, … Continue reading "The aesthetic revolution of music theatre: new compositional and performative practices"

Creating Public Space and Time Through the Performing Arts

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Danae Theodoridou (director and researcher of contemporary performing arts, instructor at Fontys Academy of the Arts in the Netherlands) leads the three-hour experiential workshop Creating Public Space and Time Through the Performing Arts, through which we will explore the way … Continue reading "Creating Public Space and Time Through the Performing Arts"

Muscle tension release workshop

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

The muscle tension release workshop will be held by Mattheos Dinakis at SMS on Friday, December 8, 11:00-13:00. Μore information and registration in the link:

Art, culture and enterpreneuship: Initiatives for Students and Researchers

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

The Department of Music Studies and the Technology Transfer Office of AUTH invite you to an event titled: Art, Culture and Entrepreneurship: Initiatives for students and researchers. The purpose of the event is to inform the academic community about the … Continue reading "Art, culture and enterpreneuship: Initiatives for Students and Researchers"

Sonus Novus Alta Radix

Aneton Municipal Theatre Thessaloniki, Greece

The musical performance Sonus Novus Alta Radix is a concert, combining harmoniously choral music, instrumental improvisation and video art. The program consists of 8 contemporary choral works written in 2022 especially for Voci Contra Tempo as a result of Project … Continue reading "Sonus Novus Alta Radix"

Works by Greek composers for flute and piano

Vafopouleio Cultural Centre C. 3 Vafopoulos, Thessaloniki

Greek Composers' works for flute and piano MIKAELA PANAGIOTOPOULOU, flute LEFKI KARPODINI, piano ______________________________ PROGRAM MINAS BORBOUDAKIS: THREE MEDITATIONS, for flute and piano ANASTAZIOS: SAKURA, for flute and piano THEODOROS ANTONIOU: LAMENT, for solo flute COSTAS TSOUGRAS: GOLDBERG WAVES, for … Continue reading "Works by Greek composers for flute and piano"

“Via music and arts we heal – from songs to creative and universal ways of coping with stress and trauma” (Seminar by Dr. Ronen Berger)

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

A 30-hour seminar in two weekends (18-19/11/2023 &25-26/11/2023) open to all people who are interested in the use of creative arts to cope with stress and trauma. The seminar includes theory and experiential workshops. Would you like to learn how … Continue reading "“Via music and arts we heal – from songs to creative and universal ways of coping with stress and trauma” (Seminar by Dr. Ronen Berger)"

“Via music and arts we heal – from songs to creative and universal ways of coping with stress and trauma” (Seminar by Dr. Ronen Berger)

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

A 30-hour seminar in two weekends (18-19/11/2023 &25-26/11/2023) open to all people who are interested in the use of creative arts to cope with stress and trauma. The seminar includes theory and experiential workshops. Would you like to learn how … Continue reading "“Via music and arts we heal – from songs to creative and universal ways of coping with stress and trauma” (Seminar by Dr. Ronen Berger)"

Two Acousmatic Music Concert | 4th International Competition Iannis Xenakis

NOESIS Science Center and Technology Museum Thermi Thessalonikis, Greece

We are glad to welcome you to our 4th Iannis Xenakis Electronic Music Festival. You will have the unique opportunity to attend two concerts of innovative electronic music in a very special venue, the planetarium at Noesis - Thessaloniki Science … Continue reading "Two Acousmatic Music Concert | 4th International Competition Iannis Xenakis"