Musicological meeting “Perspectives of Greek Music Creation: Bridging Tradiitons”
Patriarchical Foundation for Patristic Studies (Amphitheatre) - Vlatadon Monastery ThessalonikiWeek of Events
Festival “Days of Greek Music Creation”
After the very successful first edition of the Festival "Days of Greek Music Creation", which was held last year, the second edition of the Festival is scheduled to take place between May 21st and June 5th, 2024. The Festival is … Continue reading "Festival “Days of Greek Music Creation”"
Musicological meeting “Perspectives of Greek Music Creation: Bridging Tradiitons”
Musicological meeting “Perspectives of Greek Music Creation: Bridging Tradiitons”
Within the framework of the 2nd Festival "Days of Greek Music Creation" organized by the School of Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, from May 20th to June 5th, 2024, in venues and historical landmarks of Thessaloniki, the … Continue reading "Musicological meeting “Perspectives of Greek Music Creation: Bridging Tradiitons”"
Όψεις μουσικής στη Ρουμανία ΙΙ
Όψεις μουσικής στη Ρουμανία ΙΙ
Η εκδήλωση περιέχει δύο διαλέξεις καθηγητών από το Πανεπιστήμιο Καλών Τεχνών "George Enescu", στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος Erasmus+. Ομιλιτές/τριες: Adrian Sîrbu & Anca Sîrbu
Kostas Maginas: Lecture and seminar on jazz improvisation
Kostas Maginas: Lecture and seminar on jazz improvisation
Jazz improvisation seminar on simple and compound chord progressions A unified, diverse approach to improvisation based on forward motion, harmonic rhythm, and the principles of modal interchange. We learn the basic rules of improvisation through the theoretical knowledge of harmony, … Continue reading "Kostas Maginas: Lecture and seminar on jazz improvisation"
Final Concert Conducting Masterclass
Final Concert Conducting Masterclass
The LWI Conducting Masterclass & Competition seminar/competition continues the collaboration between the Symphony Orchestra of the Department of Music Studies at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and the student orchestra of the University of Tübingen in Germany. The two artistic … Continue reading "Final Concert Conducting Masterclass"