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New Sounds Week

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12/05/2022 | 20:00 - 14/05/2022 | 22:00

The Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra and the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki organize the New Sounds Week, giving the opportunity to young Greek composers to present their music to the public, while promoting contemporary Greek and international creation.

In this context, an open Call for Scores was announced for young Greek composers, up to 30 years old, with a five-member artistic committee consisting of the artistic director of K.O.TH. Zoe Tsokanou, the internationally renowned Greek composer and professor at the University of Toronto Christos Hatzis, the lead violinist Simos Papanas, the conductor and Assistant Professor of Conducting at S.M.S. of AUTh. Vladimiros Symeonidis and the composer / musicologist and Associate Professor of S.M.S. of AUTh. Costas Tsougras, to select six works, which will be performed by the Orchestra, under the musical direction of Vladimiros Symeonidis, in an open concert for the public in the Ceremony Hall of AUTh.

The concert is accompanied by two more contemporary music concerts, which will take place in the Rehearsal Hall of the TSSO ‘Solon Michailidis’, the first with works by students of the composition department of the S.M.S. of AUTh, under the musical direction of Athanasios Sourgounis and the second with a diverse program of Greek and European composers, which will be preceded by a speech and presentation of the composition of the internationally renowned Greek composer Christos Hatzis, professor at the University of Toronto, and open discussion with the public.

Admission to all the activities of the New Sounds Week is free with entrance tickets that those interested can obtain from the website of the TSSO (www.tsso.gr) and the ticket office of K.O.TH. at 73 Nikis Ave. The electronic distribution of entrance tickets will begin on Friday, April 15, while the distribution from the ticket office of KOTH, from Tuesday, May 3.

The Thessaloniki State Orchestra under the direction of Vladimiros Symeonidis, musicians of the Contra Tempo Chamber Orchestra, the composer Christos Hatzis, the vocal ensemble Voci Contra Tempo and the musicians Nikos Diminakis and Fotis Koutsothodoros participate in the events. See more info in the events of the New Sounds Week.

Thursday, 12 May 2022, at 20:30
‘Solon Micahelides’ concert hall
Concert with works by the students of the composition department of the School of Music Studies of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Friday, 13 May 2022, at 20:30
Aristotle University Concert Hall
Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra’s concert with symphonic works by Young Greek Composers
Saturday, 14 May 2022, at 18:30
‘Solon Micahelides’ concert hall
Christos Hatzis’ speech and Contemporary Music Concert



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