Byzantine Choir and Performance Practices Through the Lenses of Music Iconographical Sources

Room 8, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

This lectures focusses on issues of Performance Practice of Byzantine choirs, as revealed in music iconographical sources (miniatures in musical and liturgical manuscripts, icons, frescoes a.o.), sheding light on unknown aspects regarding cheironomy, clothing and other details of the psaltic … Continue reading "Byzantine Choir and Performance Practices Through the Lenses of Music Iconographical Sources"

Gerda Wolfram and Her Contribution to Byzantine Musicology

Online event

Honorary event with presentations, decernation of honorary award and small concert Participants: Gerda Wolfram, Nina-Maria Wanek, Yevgeniya Ignatenko, Kostas Tsougras, Emmanouil Giannopoulos, Study Group for Palaeography of Byzantine Music "Chrysorrhemon", Ensemble for Classical Eastern Music "Psaltira", Maria Alexandru Online event: … Continue reading "Gerda Wolfram and Her Contribution to Byzantine Musicology"