The music industry

Room 9, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Have you ever wondered what needs to happen before an orchestra stands on stage in order to play in a concert? Orchestra management is an art in itself. Monday, 21 November 2022, 11:00-12:30, room 9 S.Μ.S. AUTH For more information … Continue reading "The music industry"

Composition concert “self-reflection”, with works by: Maria Tsiantoula

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

The concert will present works by Maria Tsiantoula, a composition student with professor Dimitri Papageorgiou. The program includes works for voice, bendir, piano and electronics. Voice, bendir and piano: Maria Tsiantoula


Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Συναυλία κατεύθυνσης σύνθεσης σε έργα του Χρόνη Κουτσουμπίδη. Υπεύθυνος καθηγητής: Δημήτρης Παπαγεωργίου Συμμετέχοντες: Μαρία Μητριζάκη (βιολί) Νίκος Παπαπαρασκευάς(φλάουτο) Άννα Παπανίδου(άλτο σαξόφωνο) Χρόνης Κουτσουμπίδης(κιθάρα)

Presentation of the Collected Edition in honour of Dimitris Themelis (1931-2017)

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

The School of Music Studies is presenting the Collected Edition in honour of Dimitris Themelis (1931-2017) at the Foyer of the School of Music Studies (Thermi) on 30 November 2022, 19.30 pm. Participants: Stella Lavva, Dean of the Faculty … Continue reading "Presentation of the Collected Edition in honour of Dimitris Themelis (1931-2017)"

12th Contemporary Music Workshop

Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Emilios Riadis Hall Thessaloniki, Greece

The Contemporary Music Workshop, within the framework of the Educational Programs Cycle of the Thessaloniki Concert Hall, offers for the 12th time the opportunity to 12 young composers to show their creativity, presenting new works for piano and strings in … Continue reading "12th Contemporary Music Workshop"

Carols and wishes

School of Music Studies, AUTh Thessaoniki, Greece

Concert with carols from Greece and abroad by Music Ensemble "Polyphono".

The Nightingales of the East and the Birds of the West

Cultural Center of the Holy Church Laodigitria Aischylou 21, Thessaloniki, Greece

Concert of Early Music, with a repertory which comprises pieces from the Western European music culture and from Byzantine Chant, Classical Eastern Music and Greek Folk Music, in solistic, a cappella and instrumental renditions, from manuscripts and printed editions, with … Continue reading "The Nightingales of the East and the Birds of the West"

SONATA “APPASSIONATA”: A Performer’s Analysis

Room 9, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Διάλεξη για την Σονάτα Op. 57 του Beethoven από το πρίσμα του ερμηνευτή. Συμμετέχει ο Joan Grimalt, καθηγητής στην Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.

Young Researchers’ Symposium

Room 8, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Young researchers from the music and other departments who attended the course "Gender, Identities, and Music Education" will present interesting empirical studies on timely gender issues.

Laptop Orchestra • Jam Session 2

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Jam Session 2 5th February 2023, 7pm Music Department Foyer Thermi.AUTh

Electronic Music Concert

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Concert of Electronic Music featuring works by students that have attended the course “Electronic Music: Creative Uses of Music Technology” at the School of Music Studies. Course instructors: Dimitris Maronidis

Συναυλία συνόλων Μουσικής Δωματίου

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Συναυλία ολοκλήρωσης του χειμερινού εξαμήνου με τους φοιτητές και τις φοιτήτριες των μαθημάτων Μουσική Δωματίου Ι/ΙΙΙ.

Film Musical Class Concert

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Performance of Film Musical Repertoire taught in the respective course. Participants: Students who participated in the course under the guidance of Th. Bililis.

Early Music from East and West in Dialogue

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Workshop and Concert of Early Music. A Tribute to the Youths from Tempi. Participants: Εnsembles Psaltira, Motetii, St Anysia, and Chrysorrhemon

Nothing works without integrity

Room 8, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Lecture given by Nathaniel Evans, based on the work of the philosopher Werner H. Erhard and the economist Michael C. Jensen.

Stage fright and how to overcome it

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Experiential workshop for musicians, which addresses the understanding and analysis of the phenomenon of stage fright in concerts and other official musical events, as well as methods to overcome it through an appropriate way of practicing and multilayered preparation, with … Continue reading "Stage fright and how to overcome it"

Dido and Aeneas

Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki

A project by students and graduates from the School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and the Department of Music Science & Art, University of Macedonia. Contributors - Participants: Project Manager: Franceska Alliaj Director: Kalliopi Chatzipavlidou Orchestra Conductor: Thanos … Continue reading "Dido and Aeneas"

A tribute to Bob Dylan

Foyer of the AUTh Administration Building Thessaloniki, Greece

Musical event dedicated to Bob Dylan on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., at the Foyer of the AUTh Administration Building. The event is co-organized by the School of English Language and Literature AUTh, the School of Music Studies … Continue reading "A tribute to Bob Dylan"

Mystagogia, a concert with works by Maria Tsiantoula

Municipal Conservatory of Larissa, "Ivi Vozali-Varna" Hall Larissa, Greece

The concert features works for voice, bendir, piano and electronics by Maria Tsiantoula, a composition student with Professor Dimitri Papageorgiou. Voice, bendir and piano: Maria Tsiantoula

Cross-disciplinary approaches in time-based art

Foyer School of Music Studies Thermi University Campus, Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki

Valentina Besegher Scotti (visual artist, curator) and Alessandro Massobrio (composer, developer) will talk about their artistic research and the interdisciplinary outcomes of their joint project Labor Neunzehn, at the crossroads of time-based art practices. Selected works by the duo will … Continue reading "Cross-disciplinary approaches in time-based art"

Festival “Days of Greek Music Creation”

Prokopio Polydnamous Church Center of the I.M. of Kalamaria and Nea Krini Thessaloniki, Greece

Musical manuscripts are presented which contain verse idioms of Ossia Cassia in the Old Parasemantic (Early Byzantine and Middle Byzantine), together with their transcriptions-explanations in the New Method by Churmuzios Chartophias. Examples of transcription on the Pentagram are given and … Continue reading "Festival “Days of Greek Music Creation”"