Presentation of two new CDs by Phasma Music with works by Greek composers

State Conservatory Thessaloniki Fragkon 15, Thessaloniki

Two new record productions (with catalog numbers 0043 and 0044) of Phasma Music include, among others, works written by teachers and graduates of the School of Music Studies: K. Nikitas, Chr. Samaras, C. Tsougras, G. Sakallieros, D. Maronidis, V. Kitsos, … Continue reading "Presentation of two new CDs by Phasma Music with works by Greek composers"

SONATA “APPASSIONATA”: A Performer’s Analysis

Room 9, School of Music Studies Thessaloniki

Διάλεξη για την Σονάτα Op. 57 του Beethoven από το πρίσμα του ερμηνευτή. Συμμετέχει ο Joan Grimalt, καθηγητής στην Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya.