
The library of School of Music Studies of Aristotle Universtiy of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is house on the 1st floor of the School's building.

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 10:00-13:00

For every programme change see the Announcements page by the library staff.


Tel.: +30 2310 991822
Fax: +30 2310 991815

Post address

School of Music Studies
Faculty of Fine Arts
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
University Campus Thermi 57001
Thessaloniki – Greece



The Library of the School of Music Studies has been operating since 1993. Its collections, which amounts to about 17,000 items, include greek and international bibliography in the fields of Musicology, Music Education, Byzantine music, and other subjects (theater, dance, technology, psychology, literature, etc.). It has an excellent collection of printed scientific journals on Musicology and Music Education. It also has a wide collection of scores of musical works of various genres and compositions and series of various composers, microfilms of Byzantine music manuscripts, music manuscripts of Greek composers.

Library collections

Dissertations (Undergraduate)1500

Library Depository SOPHIA (Dspace)

The library has its own digital depository that includes the following collections:

  1. Archives of Vasileios Giapalkis, member of Attikon String Quartet
  2. Archives of GreekManuscripts of byzantine music from Nikolaos Mavropoulou (1930-1950)
  3. E-books
  4. Dissertations collection
  5. Digitised periodicals

Library Museum

The library host in its premises a small museum. The visitor can find various instrument, some of them rare that extent from the antiquity until today. Moreover, one can find important manuscripts, facsimiles and scores of byzantine music and modern notation.

Library Cards, Loans, Reservations

Information on how to obtain a library card

Library users are:

  • AUTh Faculty
  • Adjunct Lecturers & Teaching Support Staff
  • PhD candidates
  • AUTh personnel
  • External users (Required documents: Application, small photo, Valid for/charge: 3 months / 20 €. Renewable on payment of fee, Valid for/charge: 6 months / 30 €. Renewable on payment of fee. Valid for/charge: 1 year / 50 €. Renewable on payment of fee, Borrowing Privileges (in Greek)
  • External users – Teaching & Research Staff and students from other Greek universities (Required Documents: Application, academic ID, Valid for/charge: 6 months / 20 €, Valid for/charge: 1 year / 30 €, Borrowing Privileges (in Greek)

Borrowing privileges are provided to all registered users of the AUTh Library (Central, Subject, Departmental) with a valid library card. Borrowing privileges and loan period renewals differ per category of user (see Library Regulation, article 4.2. Terms of Loans & Renewals – in Greek).
It should be noted that some books, including for example reference works (dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc.), dissertations and books in closed and rare collections, cannot be loaned. Also, the loaning period for borrowed books differs from one collection to another (main collection, limited loan collection, Eudoxus collection, etc).


Fines are imposed if the borrowed material is not returned by the deadline specified by the system ILS. All members are required to pay the fine on overdue books. Currently the rate is €0.30/per day late per article (for more details see Library Regulation, article 4.3. Fines – in Greek).


A book that is currently on loan can be reserved, and the applicant will be informed when it is returned to the Library. For more information concerning reservations see article 4.2 (paragraphs 4.2.3 and 4.2.4) of the AUTh Library Regulation.
