noise:muse 2023 | STEREOMA Electroacoustic Music & Audiovisual Arts Festival

MoMus-Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki Warehouse B1, Thessaloniki Port., Greece

Collective exhibit (13/9 - 15/10) & participatory listening action (5/10) by the Experimental & Improvised Music Ensembles at STEREOMA Festival, which is organized for the first time by MOMus - Experimental Center for the Arts, curated by Eirini Papakonstantinou. The … Continue reading "noise:muse 2023 | STEREOMA Electroacoustic Music & Audiovisual Arts Festival"

Sound Exposition

MoMus-Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki Warehouse B1, Thessaloniki Port., Greece

SOUND EXPOSITION is based on a research project of the Berlin experimental vocal group PHØNIX16 about the border spaces between Orient and Occident, electroacoustics and folklore, noise and composed music. PHØNIX16 presents the fruits of its latest research in Athens, … Continue reading "Sound Exposition"